Kamis, 19 Oktober 2017

My Favorite Underrated Music Artists

One of the best feelings in the world is when you found a music or a movie matched with your taste. Everybody has different tastes in music but some love almost all genres of music and I am one of them. I have both Debussy and Slipknot in my playlist and I listen to Opera to Dangdut (an Indonesia folk music). Among all of the music genres that I listen to, my most favorites are Indie Pop and Indie Folk. But unfortunately, this type of music is not very popular since it’s pretty hard for me to find somebody who loves this kind of music. That’s why today I’m going to share my favorite underrated Music Artists that I love to listen. Who knows y’all who read this will be influenced.

1.   Gregory and the Hawk
Gregory and the Hawks is a pseudonym of Meredith Godreau. The first song that I heard from this Music Artist is Boats and Birds. When I heard it for the first time, I directly fell in love. The lyrics and the music are just so beautiful. Here are some of her songs that I love to listen:
·         The Bolder Thing To Do
·         Grey Weather
·         In Fact

2.   Mindy Gledhill
Her song, All About Your Heart, won as the most romantic song in my previous post. I describe her voice and music as dreamy and romantic. Listening to her songs is probably the best when you are falling in love or as a lullaby. Here are some of her songs that I love to listen:
·         Anchor
·         Hourglass
·         I Do Adore

3.   Kings of Convenience
The first time I heard their song, Homesick, it reminds me of Simon and Garfunkel. Their music is 60s-ish which is a kind of music that I like since I love The Beatles and The Mamas & The Papas. Here are some of their songs that I love to listen:
·         Weight Of My Words
·         Winning A Battle, Losing the War
·         Cayman Islands
·         Manhattan Skyline

4.   Sleeping at Last
I still remember the first time I found this music artist, it was on the youtube recommended video and the song title caught my attention. Saturn is the first song that I heard from this music artist. Ryan O’Neal, the singer and songwriter of Sleeping at Last, is probably one of the most creative musicians in my opinion as I love not only the music but also the song titles. Here are some of the songs that I love to listen:
·         Land from the album Atlas: Year One (North, South, East, West)
·         Oceans from the album Atlas: Year One (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Arctic). These are all instrumental.
·         All of the songs from Atlas: Space 1 and Space 2.

5.   Adhitia Sofyan
Adhitia Sofyan is an Indonesian singer whose song Blue Sky Collapse made me falling in love with this artist. To see his live concert is one of the things that I have in my bucket list. Here are some of his songs that I love to listen:
·                     Adelaide Sky
·                     After The Rain
·                     Forget Jakarta

6.   Dodie Clark
Dodie is a singer and songwriter. She posts her original songs on youtube and also some of her covers songs. I love both her original songs and personality. Here are some of her original songs that I love to listen:
·                     6/10
·                     Would You Be So Kind
·                     A love song/a non love song (feat. Jon Cozart)

7.   Flight Facilities
Flight Facilities is a producer duo from Australia. They mostly work with other music artists. I describe their music as retro and unique. Here are some of their songs that I love to listen:
·                     Crave You
·                     Foreign Language
·                     Clair de Lune

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016

Pengalaman Seleksi Substansi LPDP Medan

Yup, kelihatan dari judul, saya bakalan nulis sesuatu yang beda kali ini. Bukan tentang musik, novel, atau film favorit tapi pengalaman saya saat ikut seleksi beasiswa LPDP yang masih anget, beberapa pekan yang lalu di bulan November.
Bagi scholarship hunters pasti kenal banget sama LPDP. Nah, bagi yang belum kenal, mari kenalan dulu disini http://www.lpdp.kemenkeu.go.id/beasiswa/beasiswa-magister-doktor-2/.

Kalau sudah kenal, mari kita lanjut. Jadi, ada dua jenis seleksi yang harus diikuti untuk lulus sebelum kamu bisa disebut awardee. Seleksi pertama adalah seleksi administrasi yang persyaratannya bisa kamu lihat di link website diatas. Seleksi kedua adalah seleksi substansi yang dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu Essay On The Spot (EOTS), Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD), dan Wawancara.

Kali ini, saya mau sharing pengalaman tes seleksi substansi karena gak banyak yang bisa diceritain saat seleksi tes administrasi, yang intinya cuma satu, persiapan matang. Jadi, bagi kamu yang tertarik sama Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia LPDP, monggo atuh dipersiapkan dari jauh jauh hari dengan teliti. Insyallah, aman. Balik ke seleksi substansi, jadi saat itu saya dapat jadwal 2 hari tapi ada juga teman yang dapat 1 hari. EOTS dan LGD pada tanggal 28 November dan wawancara pada tanggal 29 November. Rangkaian tes ini diselenggarakan di Gedung Keuangan Negara Medan. Biar lebih enak, saya jabarkan kegiatan saya selama seleksi subtansi LPDP.
  • ·Saya mendapatkan jadwal EOTS pukul 09.05 dan semua peserta diharapkan datang satu jam sebelum tes. Saat pertama kali datang, langsung scan barcode yang ada di kartu peserta yang telah kita print.
  • Untuk tes EOTS, kita akan diberikan dua topik tentang berita-berita terkini dan diminta untuk memilih salah satu kemudian menulis essay. Saat itu, saya menulis dengan pola introduction, facts, opinion, suggestion, dan conclusion.
  • Setelah selesai EOTS, kita akan diarahkan keruangan tempat dilaksanakannya LGD, yang letaknya bersebelahan dengan ruangan EOTS. Sebelumnya, kita akan sudah diberitahu pihak LPDP mengenai nomor kelompok LGD kita. Untuk LGD, pastikan kalian lebih mengutamakan attitude dalam menyampaikan pendapat.
  • Setelah selesai LGD, saya diperbolehkan pulang.
  • Jadwal wawancara saya jatuh pada pukul 09.30 dan saya datang 2 jam lebih awal. Oh iya, jangan lupa scan barcode kartu peserta sebagai absensi kita.
  • Ruangan wawancara sendiri merupakan satu aula besar yang berisi beberapa meja untuk wawancara. Jadi, bukan cuma ada kita dan pewawancara saja, tetapi juga peserta dan pewawancara yang lain. Saat wawancara, kita akan berhadapan dengan 3 interviewer yang berasal dari background yang berbeda. Pewawancara saya adalah seorang dosen dari UGM, seorang ibu yang menurut saya dari pihak LPDP, dan juga masih menurut saya, seorang psikolog. Yang paling penting menurut saya saat tes wawancara adalah... yup, still... attitude. Sebelum wawancara, persiapkan kemungkinan pertanyaan dan jawaban yang mungkin akan ditanyakan. Tetapi, jangan menghapal karena anda akan terlihat kaku nantinya. Just let it flow. Lakukan juga beberapa research terlebih dahulu kenapa jurusan yang kamu ambil sangat penting untuk Indonesia, atau paling tidak kota atau daerah kamu. Just remember, persiapan yang baik akan membawa hasil yang baik.
   Yup, inilah pengalaman saya selama menjalani tes seleksi Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia LPDP. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin atau akan mencoba beasiswa LPDP ini, semoga sukses dan keep fighting!

Selasa, 27 September 2016

My Rainy Day Playlist

Related to my previous post about rain, today I’d like to share my playlist that I love to listen on rainy days. These songs give me various kinds of feelings when I listen to them. I write them randomly. The first doesn’t mean the best and the last doesn’t mean the least.

1.       Noisy sunday – Patrick Wilson
2.       Denting – Melly Goeslaw
3.       Boats and birds – Gregory and the Hawk
4.      Deep – Binocular
5.       Desember – Efek Rumah Kaca
6.       Like a song – Lenka
7.       Somebody – Depeche Mode
8.       Feels like home – Chantal Kreviazuk
9.       I will remember you – Sarah Mclachlan
10.   Arekara – Shimokawa Mikuni
11.   Northern wind – City and Colour
12.   I remember – Mocca
13.   One more time one more chance – Yamazaki Masayoshi
14.   Linger – The Cranberries
15.   Colorblind – Counting Crows
16.   I’m in here – Sia
17.   Lonely lullaby – Owl City
18.   Silk – Giselle
19.   Blue Sky Collapse – Adhitia Sofyan
20.   Kings of Convenience songs (Cayman island, Manhattan skyline, Winning battle losing the war, Homesick)

Selasa, 12 November 2013


Every time the rain comes down,
Close my eyes and listen.
I can hear the lonesome sound
Of the sky as it cries.”

The lyrics above are taken from the song “it’s in the rain” by one of my favorite singers, Enya.  Rain... yup, today I’m gonna talk about the rain. It’s not Rain, the famous korean actor and singer starred in one of my favorite korean dramas, Full House that I’m talking about but it’s rain that can bring up the atmosphere of different moods like sadness, loneliness, or even happiness. Many people enjoy the rain in different ways, some might look at the rain while listen to a sad song, some might look at it while listen to a happy song or some might catch the falling rain (okay, I think for this one, maybe they run out of water), but most of them also ignore it. Rain is just a normal weather change for them. But for some people, rain might mean something. Somehow, rain can bring the memories back whether it is happiness or sadness. Today, I’m gonna talk about how rain can affect someone’s mood, especially mine.
Just like what I’ve said earlier that rain can bring different moods for every people. I have different feelings everytime the rain comes, sometimes I feel sad, sometimes lonely, but sometimes I also feel happy, it depends on what I have been through before. I guess some people might have felt the same feeling as I am, especially women. You know, most of us like drama and rain can bring this kind of feeling.
            Me, myself has different ways in facing the rain. When I feel sad, I usually listen to the sad music, most of them are the instrumental music but my favorite is “Kiss the Rain” by Yiruma. When I feel happy, sometimes I don’t listen to any music or just watching the rain. I’ll go outside and join the kids around playing under the rain. I bet it must sound silly for someone my age to do that kind of thing but I’m happy doing it, that’s why I don’t care about what people say. Besides, enjoying the rain without really getting into it for me is not enough. Sometimes, you need to do something different even it’s only once. Just like what people said, life is just once, you’ll regret if you don’t do things that you like, of course as long as it is positive thing.
Well, back to the topic, most people believe that rain can bring memories back and  somehow I think it’s true. When I look at the rain, I can see the memories whether it’s happiness or sadness come back to my mind. I don’t know whether it also happens to other people but I believe it does. I also believe that there are also many people who feel the same as I am that rain is not just one of an ordinary things but it is a channel of our emotions, our moods, and also as an inspiration.

Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

10 Lagu Super Romantis Versi Wanti

Di postingan kali ini, aku mau share lagu romantis yang menurutku lagu-lagu ini adalah the best of the best romantic songs. Berhubung aku suka dengarin lagu-lagu romantis dan ada banyak lagu romantis yg aku suka dan gak mungkin semuanya aku tulis disini, jadi aku hanya memilih 10 lagu yang kurasa cocok dikatakan sebagai the most super romantic songs yang merupakan versi Wanti tentunya. Okay, let’s just check them out:

10. When you tell me that you love me by Diana Ross

Di urutan kesepuluh (dibuat dari urutan terbalik supaya mirip tangga-tangga lagu di radio/tivi-tivi gitu) ditempati oleh When you tell me that you love me -nya Diana Ross. Lagu ini bahkan di remake oleh Westlife.

Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

9. Stand by me by Ben E King

Di urutan kesembilan ditempati oleh Stand by me –nya Ben E King. Lagu ini memang lumayan (sebenarnya sangat) jadul, tapi meskipun gitu, ini lagu tak pernah lekang oleh waktu. Lagu ini pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh Ben E King sekitar tahun 1960an dan banyak di remake oleh penyanyi-penyanyi terkenal lain, seperti John Lennon.

If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
All the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry
No, I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me              

8. I can't smile without you by The Carpenters

Di urutan ke delapan ada I can’t smile without you –nya The Carpenters. Lagu ini juga dipopulerkan oleh Barry Manillow, tapi aku lebih suka versinya the carpenters. Dengerin lagu ini kadang berhasil buatku senyum-senyum sendiri, don’t think that I’m crazy or something but try to listen it by yourself dan resapi liriknya (halah, emang teh).

You know I can't smile without you
Can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew, what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you        

7. The way you look at me by Christian Bautista

Di urutan ketujuh ada lagu The way you look at me yang dinyanyikan penyanyi ganteng asal Filipina. Dengan diiring dentingan piano, lagu ini sangat romantis baik dari segi lirik maupun musik.

'Cause there's somethin' in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows
You're the missing piece
You make me believe
That there's nothing in this world I can't be
I never know what you see
But there's somethin' in the way you look at me

6. When you say nothing at all by Ronan Keating

Di urutan keenam, ada lagu soundtrack dari film romantis Notting Hill yang dibintangi Julia Roberts. Lagu ini memang sanggup banget buat orang berbunga-bunga. Lirik romantis dipadu suaranya Ronan Keating yang gentle, ah, sweet bgt deh pokoknya.

The smile on your face
Lets me know that you need me.
There's a truth in your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me.
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall.
You say it best when you say nothing at all.

5. From this moment by Shania Twain

Di urutan kelima, ada lagu yang dinyanyikan sama penyanyi favoritku, Shania Twain. Lagu ini emang cocok banget buat dinyanyiin di acara wedding gitu. Liriknya romantis banget cuy, just imagine if there’s a man propose you while playing this song, that would be so definitely totally romantic!

I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you

4. When I fall in love by Celine Dion feat Olive Griffin

Di urutan keempat ada lagu duet romantis yang paling cocok banget didengerin pas kita lagi jatuh cinta, pas sama judulnya, When I fall in love.

When I give my heart
I give it completely
Or I'll never give my heart

And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you

3. When you say you love me by Josh Groban

Di urutan ketiga ada lagu romantis yang dinyanyiin sama Josh Groban. Kalau kamu lagi jatuh cinta, dan dengerin ini lagu pasti deh berasa lagi terbang diatas awan atau seperti berada di hamparan bunga-bunga indah nan harum (eh, maap lebay -_-).

You're the one I've always thought of.
I don't know how, but I feel sheltered in your love.
You're where I belong.
And when you're with me if I close my eyes,
There are times I swear I feel like I can fly
For a moment in time.
Somewhere between the Heavens and Earth ,
And frozen in time, Oh when you say those words.

2. I’ll always be right there by Bryan Adams

Dan runner up the most super romantic songs versi Wanti ditempati oleh I’ll always be right there –nya Bryan Adams. Bryan Adams memang ahlinya deh buat cewek klepek klepek dengan suara bass nya plus lagu-lagunya yang romantis. Tadinya aku sempat bingung mau masukin yang mana karena selain ini, ada (Everything I Do) I Do It for You dan Heaven –nya Bryan Adam yang emang romantis banget. Tapi akhirnya pilihanku jatuh di lagu ini, karena coba aja deh dengerin lagunya terus perhatiin liriknya. Super So Sweet >.<

I swear to you - I will always be there for you -
there's nothin' I won't do
I promise you - all my life I will live for you - we
will make it through
Forever - we will be
Together - you and me
Oh n' when I hold ya - nothin' can compare
With all of my heart - ya know I'll always be - right

1. All about your heart by Mindy Gledhill

Dan posisi pertama the most super romantic songs versi Wanti ditempati oleh....... jreng jreng jreng dururut dururut dururut (absurd memang, abaikan!) All about your heart –nya Mindy Gledhill. Kurang mainstream sih emang lagunya, tapi kalo aku pribadi dengerin ini lagu, berasa kayak lagi jatuh cinta deh. Suaranya Mindy yang lembut dipadu musik yang indah plus liriknya yang romantis, satu paket komplit deh pokoknya. But I suggest you to listen the nie version of this song karena yang nie version musiknya lebih slow dan lebih romantis.

Oh, I’ve loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
It’s not about your scars
It’s all about your heart

Nah, itu dia sepuluh the most super romantic songs versi Wanti. Well, karena ini versiku sendiri kemungkinan besar pasti beda sama versi kalian. Jadi mungkin kalo ada yang kurang setuju sama list ini, boleh share list nya sendiri. Inget, perbedaan itu pastilah ada karena itu yang buat dunia berwarna, but still, I hope you like it. ^_^

Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

My Fiction Idols Part 2

Postingan kali ini merupakan sambungan dari postinganku sebelumnya. Setelah kupikir-pikir trnyata msh byk tokoh fiksi yang aku idolakan, bahkan mungkin it is countless since I can’t remember all of them. Well, langsung aja, here they are:

6. Achilles (Mitologi Yunani)

Berhubung aku suka mitologi yunani, terutama tentang legenda dewa dewinya, aku bakal masukin salah satu favoritku, Achilles. Achilles adalah tokoh utama mitologi yunani dalam legenda perang troya. Achilles adalah manusia setengah dewa. Ibunya adalah seorang dewi yunani dan ayahnya adalah seorang raja. Kenapa aku suka tokoh ini? Karena meskipun dia disebut sebagai the greatest warrior dan selalu memenangkan perang, dia adalah seseorang yang romantis, bagi yang belum mengenal tokoh ini bisa langsung nonton film Troy yang dibintangi Brad Pitt.

My favorite quotes:

Briseis: Why did you choose this life? 
Achilles: What life? 
Briseis: To be a great warrior. 
Achilles: I chose nothing. I was born and this is what I am.

 Troy (2004)

Briseis: Am I still your captive? 
Achilles: You're my guest. 
Briseis: In Troy, guests can leave whenever they want. 
Achilles: We should leave now. 
Briseis: Would you leave this war behind? 
Achilles: Would you leave Troy?

 Troy (2004)

7. Landon Carter (A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks)

Landon Carter adalah tokoh utama cowok dalam salah satu novel yang berhasil buatku mewek, A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. Di awal novel, Landon adalah seorang tokoh antagonis, namun perlahan-lahan dia berubah menjadi lebih baik setelah mengenal tokoh utama, Jamie Sullivan. Bahkan pada akhirnya dia sangat mencintai Jamie.

My favorite quotes:

“Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I'll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can't see it, but I can feel it." - Landon Carter” 
Nicholas Sparks

8. Erik / The Phantom (The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux)

Erik atau biasa juga dipanggil The Phantom adalah tokoh utama dalam novel The Phantom of the Opera nya Gaston Leroux. Erik adalah sosok misterius yang tinggal dalam gedung opera. Meskipun dia adalah seorang antagonis dalam cerita ini, dia juga adalah seorang protagonis. Dia sangat mencintai Christine DaaƩ tapi dengan cara yang salah. Dia bisa melakukan apapun bahkan membunuh untuk mendapat apa yang dia mau. Tapi meskipun begitu, aku suka tokoh ini karena masa lalunya lah yang membuatnya seperti ini. Dia harus selalu mengenakan topeng untuk menyembunyikan wajahnya yang buruk rupa, sehingga dia hampir tidak pernah merasakan kasih sayang. Jadi, saat dia menemukan seseorang yang benar-benar dia sayang, dia akan mencintainya sepenuh hati.

My favorite quotes:

“You are crying! You are afraid of me! And yet I am not really wicked. Love me and you shall see! All I wanted was to be loved for myself.” 
“If I am the phantom, it is because man's hatred has made me so. If I am to be saved it is because your love redeems me.” 

9. Fitzwilliam Darcy (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)

Fitzwilliam Darcy atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Mr. Darcy adalah tokoh utama cowok dalam novel Pride and Prejudice nya Jane Austen. Dia digambarkan sebagai seseorang yang kaya raya dan sombong. Akan  tetapi dibalik kesombongannya, Mr. Darcy adalah seseorang yang pintar dan meskipun beberapa kali berhasil membuat Elizabeth Bennet kesal, dia sangat mencintainya.

My favorite quotes:

“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” 
“I have faults enough, but they are not, I hope, of understanding. My temper I dare not vouch for. It is, I believe, too little yielding— certainly too little for the convenience of the world. I cannot forget the follies and vices of other so soon as I ought, nor their offenses against myself. My feelings are not puffed about with every attempt to move them. My temper would perhaps be called resentful. My good opinion once lost, is lost forever.” 

10. The Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
Beauty and the Beast is my most favorite fairytale among the other fairytales, seperti Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and many more. Beast adalah tokoh fiksi disney dalam animasi Beauty and the Beast. Beast digambarkan sebagai sosok monster yang mengerikan. Hal ini diakibatkan karena saat menjadi pangeran dia adalah seseorang yang jahat dan sombong sehingga dia pun dikutuk menjadi buruk rupa layaknya a monster. Namun, saat dia mengenal Belle, dia berubah menjadi seseorang yang baik dan dongengnya pun berakhir dengan happy ending ^_^

My favorite quotes:

Beast: Oh, it's no use. She's so beautiful, and I'm... Well, look at me!
Mrs. Potts: Oh, must help her to see past all that.
Beast: I don't know how.
Mrs. Potts: Well, you can start by making yourself more presentable. Straighten up. Try to act like a gentleman.
[Beast stands up straighter]
Lumiere: Ah, yes. When she comes in give her a dashing, debonair smile. Come, come, show me the smile.
[Beast gives a big, forced smile]
Mrs. Potts: But don't frighten the poor girl!

Beast: [roaring] Aaargh! That hurts!
Belle: If you'd hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much!
Beast: Well if you hadn't have run away, this wouldn't have happened.
Belle: If you hadn't *frightened* me, I wouldn't have run away!
Beast: Well *you* shouldn't have been in the west *wing*!
Belle: Well, *you* should learn to control your temper. Now, hold still. This might sting a little.
[presses cloth to wound; the beast growls in pain]
Belle: By the way, thank you for saving my life.
Beast: [stops growling] You're welcome.